Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Surgery Day for Zeus

My baby is off for his ACL surgery today. He had his pain patch put on yesterday afternoon and seemed to be happy as a clam last night, even pulling a Houdini move and managing to get his bite not collar (an amazing alternative to the demeaning cones they usually put on dogs!) off while we were out! We came home to find the strap still on, but the collar itself down around his back leg and Zeus wagging his tail a mile a minute! Cute as a button, but I forgot to take a picture of his cute front paw, all wrapped up in a green paw print gauze (I have no idea why they put the pain patch on his front paw, but whatever works...), so this one will have to do... isn't he cute?

Matt dropped him off this morning, telling me that the receptionist told him we wouldn't be allowed to pick him back up until tomorrow -- um, yea, NO! ;-) Esp. since we thought this out a lot (leaving him overnight where there would be nobody in the building vs. bringing him to a vet hospital with 24 hour care vs. bringing him to the comfort of his own home). So of course, I had to call and leave a message for our vet to remember that we had this conversation already and she told us we could certainly bring him home tonight - not completely "recommended" by them, however she said it would be fine. Also, having 2 friends who've gone through the surgery with their dogs in the past 6 months and both opted to bring their babies home that night, I see no other choice to make (would you leave your baby all alone after surgery in a locked up cage in an empty building to wake up and have no idea where he is or what has happened and no one around to ensure his safety?). So... The plan is to pick him up this evening and get him home to rest and begin the recovery (which is a 10 - 12 week process). Wish us luck.... This Mommy is going to need it just to calm the nerves today, though looking at these eyes might help...

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