The yarn was in a nice, neat hank before some doggy-yarn-monster nabbed it. I'm still leaning towards the theory that the sweet Princess thought it was a new buddy.... Nobody has ever touched Mommy's yarn before (with the slight exception of Lola a couple of year ago... I was knitting away when I realized my yarn tension was getting odd ... only to realize the ball I was knitting from fell on the floor and Lola scooped it up and began walking away with it), so I certainly don't have a real problem here. I'm thinking the smell of the hand dyed CTH combined with the doggy allure of a funky hank of soft, squishy stuff called to Sophie... who certainly loves her soft, plush toys (her buddies). Ah well... live and learn. Who could ever be mad at this face?

I spent some time
Yesterday we went up to the track for the Searles Family fundraiser. Lola drew the long straw and got to come along. She was in heaven with all the attention between the kids wanting to pet her and the adults who asked over & over again just what type of dog she was (um... 100% pure mutt!).

Car rides are the best... and she loves her Mommy!

We were only able to stay for a couple of hours since we had tickets to see Kooza in Boston last night, however early reports are that the fundraiser was successful in reaching the $10,000 goal for the family! Thank you to our family, friends and local business friends who helped to support it through donations for the raffle & silent auction and purchasing tickets!
As for Kooza... simply amazing! We've been going to the Cirque du Soleil shows for years now and I have to say, I think this was truly one of the best productions we have seen!
Sounds like your dog kinda did the same thing as Wendy Bernard's dog, Rocko --
lol :) Love all the pictures!
Bad Sophie! But how can you stay mad when you look into those brown eyes? Lucy leaves my yarn alone, but last night she did something bad she'd never done before. She took a piece of chicken off my dinner plate when I was clearing the table and not looking at her. She got put into time-out for that!
They all have that cutness going on when they do something bad.... LOL
Rufus would have been eleven today... thanks for the pictures. He once wound a skein of yarn through the entire house. :)
SNOL... just wait for Anita's post on bad Sissy. The Knight is always called in to detangle my yarn messes, regardless of who makes 'em.
Sophie looks like such an angel - no way could she ever be so naughty as to make that mess!
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