Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Fall!

Happy First Day of my favorite time of the year....... Fall!


100_5652 Leaves1007


Turtle said...

ahhhh, my favorite season!

Sonya said...

Mine too, but it is going to be 86 degrees here in Southern Indiana.

I want Fall weather!!! stomps foot and whines

Anonymous said...

Wheee I love the Fall!

SissySees said...

Beautiful!! It's my favorite season too...

vegasangelbrat said...

Oh Thank you, I knew there were fall pics somewhere out here in They are beautiful!!!

gypsyknits said...

And Happy Fall right back at 'cha!

(off to jump in leaves......wheeee!)

Natalie Rush said...

I love pumpkins and fall!! I can't wait until we can eat outside because then we'll actually have a table to eat on. :) heheeh Happy fall!!

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