The Humane Society of the United States, PETA and a chorus of supposed dog pundits said it couldn’t be done – that the 47 pit bulls rescued from Michael Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels could not be reformed, and therefore needed to be euthanized.
Best Friends believed otherwise, and a U.S. District Court in Virginia agreed, placing 22 of the dogs with Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and the rest with various other rescue groups around the country. As the premier episode of the National Geographic Channel’s “DogTown” will show to millions of viewers this Friday, the dogs have bucked the naysayers and proven that a second chance, replete with the right training and nurturing, was what they needed to succeed.
If you'd like to read the whole story, please click here...
I love a happy ending. I'm glad there are some in this awful mess.
Oh thank you for reminding me, I wanted to watch it. I will set my DVR now so I don't miss it.
Obviously those that doubted have never watched the Dog Whisperer. ;)
thanks for reminding us. There really are no bad dogs - just horrible owners! Your DOT posts are funny - I love that the Queen laughs. g
Thank goodness there is a place like Best Friends for these dogs.
It never ceases to amaze me what these dogs are capable of. I love mine and am nauseated when dealing with people who are so afraid of them. I'm so glad that the Vick's dogs (almost all) were able to be retrained. They are a tremendously loving breed to people no matter what the rumors may be.
And there's proof! YAY! for those who stood up to bat for those defenseless dogs and gave them a chance at a good life.
Vet girl says, it's the owner not the dog who is at fault when it comes to a "bad dog."
A vick-tory for animal lovers everywhere. I still hope he rots.
What a fantastic show this was! I cried so much at the end - how beautiful to watch them learn to play!
Am I wrong for wishing there is a special imaginably horrible place in hell reserved for animal abusers?
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