Friday, October 10, 2008

No More You Betchas!

Time for a little Friday Fill-Ins, but first a couple of things to share....

Per the recent Best Friends email news: Michelle Obama announced on TV this week that her family will adopt – not buy – a dog after the elections. That’s an example I hope other Americans will follow. Then rescue pets everywhere will be the real winners! (And to the 50,000 of you who signed Best Friends successful petition, thank you.) Excellent news!

Please hop on over to Knitting Adventures and check out Watson sporting his brand new (and perfect fit!) Pure Mutt collar which his Mommy won in my review contest a few weeks ago. Doesn't he look fantastic?

Enjoy your Friday and long weekend!

1. One of the best concerts/plays/movies I ever saw that I really didn't think I'd like was Spamalot (I was never a Monty Pyton fan, but it was fun!).

2. The Shepherd's Pie at T-Bones is a recipe I recently made or meal I recently ordered that was delicious!

3. It's time for my annual review at work.

4. The crisp fall air is quite refreshing.

5. If I never hear the words "you betcha" from her again, it'll be too soon.

6. To one side of the curving road was a fall sale at the yarn shop, and on the other was a coffee shop.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching Ghost Whisperer, knitting & hanging out at home, tomorrow my plans include the Life is Good garage sale & watching the Cup race from Charlotte and Sunday, I want to do something fun, possibly visit Clark's Trading Post??!


Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Love your #5! Our #4's are pretty similar. Are there people who really get Monday off? Happy Friday!

SissySees said...

Have a great weekend!

Melli said...

Wow! I haven't had a Shepherd's Pie in aaaaaaages! That sounds really good! Sounds like you've got a great weekend planned! Enjoy!

Janet said...

LOVE your answer to #5...GAH! We were on the same track in that LOL! Thanks for playing, have a great weekend :-)

Bubblesknits said...

Oh, I so agree with #5. I'll admit, I've been a staunch Republican up until they brought her out of the wood-works. She's seriously made me reconsider my political preferences. *shudder*

Anyhow, I'll be sitting/knitting along with you tonight for Ghost Whisperer! I *heart* that show. :-)

Turtle said...

have fun! clarks is so close to my mom's, even on rt 3!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome... what a perfect example. ;)
Hope your having a great weekend.

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