Thursday, December 04, 2008

Happy Birthday...

... to my better other half... my rock... the one who keeps me sane (as much as that's possible) and who hasn't laughed has tried not to laugh too hard at my clumsy self for the past 13 1/2 years....

matt 806b

Since his birthday is falling on Doggy Thursday, I found some appropriate pics...

The best Daddy any doggy could ask for (especially when he has ice cream)...



The best honey I could ask for (especially when he walked the princessy fosters)...


Tut's favorite spot...

Matt & Tut 71507

Hanging with former foster baby Lilah

at a driver's meeting...

Watching some racing with Lola this past fall...


Happy Birthday Honey!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Sue said...

Happy Birthday. Boy, there have been a lot of birthdays lately.

I'm glad to see that my boy Zeus gets up to beg for ice cream.

Tina. said...

Awwww, what a cute family! Happy Birthday!

vegasangelbrat said...

Happy Birthday to Mr. Lapdog!! Gret pics and I especially love the one of them waiting while dad eats the ice cream..looks like my house!

Marjie said...

Clearly the pups love him, too. Great pictures, and happy birthday to your hubby!

Natalie Rush said...

Happy Birthday!! Love the pictures!!

Turtle said...

happy birthday!

A Blog In The Rough said...

Happy Birthday to the wonderful husband that you have, especially since he likes dogs too! :)

SissySees said...

Happy birthday! Sorry I didn't see this yesterday. SNOL... Sucks that YOU get a present on his birthday... I kept thinking that I needed to put something in there for him!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Adorable pics.

Dianne said...

Happy Birthday to a great Doggy Daddy!

Bubblesknits said...

Happy Birthday!!! Great pictures. :-)

Anita said...

I'm late but Happy Birthday! Love the photos!

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