My favorite maple tree, which is in the front of our yard... We lost about 1/3 of it a couple years ago (think it got hit by lightening) and I was so happy it survied, but I'm not sure how its going to do after this...

If you enlarge that second shot, you can see a lot of the ice that Matt had knocked off trying to get the branches to spring back up. He had to trim a tun off that were blocking our driveway.
Our weeping willows took some major hits... not sure if they are going to survived or not, but I hope so. We're pretty lucky they aren't closer to the house - otherwise we would've had some holes in the roof for sure!

Here's the large chunk of the maple that came down on our back porch while Matt was off waiting an hour for gas and 45 minutes for Wendy's burgers. I managed to chop most of it up myself (fearing it'd go through the sliding glass door if I didn't), thank you very much...
Think this bent over dandy is a birch... won't be sad if we have to loose it. Of course, all the gazillion apple trees in the back were all fine and dandy... those suckers will stand up to anything!
These trees go along the side of our property line... every single one is snapped about half way up. Looks like a hurricane came through...

Okay, I'll spare you more damage... tomorrow I'll bring you the pretty artistic shots and eventually you'll get some doggy photos too... stay tuned.
Oh, God, I'm going to cry. I can deal with thunder, lightning, and all of the assorted storms that come through, but I cannot handle the destruction of trees. Painful. Glad things are getting back to normal for you. Be extra careful!
Huh. The verification "word" is "dampity", as in "It's a damn pity about the damage..."
Poor trees! Ice is certainly not the beautiful twinkly stuff you'd think it would be.
Those are both beautiful, and sad. I hate seeing trees that are that old being killed off.
I'm still glad your power is back up!
Those pictures are beautiful and awful at the same time. Weeping Willows are one of my favorite trees. I hope a lot of them will survive.
Fingers crossed that the trees do survive... You know how I hate ice!
UGH! I've been there before with the ice. I'm sorry you guys have had so much tree damage from it! I hope they survive....
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