With that busy note... this doggy day is all about pictures! Enjoy...
Chan sent a package this week with hats for Friends of Emma and included some lovely goodies for me and the dogs. One of the goodies she surprised me with was Quant... for which Zeus {click linked names for more pics!} became a little old lady reluctant model...
Sophie and Teutul thought it was pretty cool... I think they could sniff out Chan's girls, Sissy & Gretchen!
Sophie practiced her modeling skills this week too when a friend gave her a Red Sox jersey...
Teutul decided he'd get in on the modeling this week too and put on his "I Wear Blue for my Grandma" shirt..
Tut was so proud of himself he even got in the way got in photos with Lola & Sophie...
Lola didn't have anything to model this week... instead she stole a box of Blue Dog Bakery cookies that came in for review, but we'll get to those later...
Zeus is hilarious. He does look like a little old lady. How you torture that dog.
My poor buddy! Zeus, I SWEAR I sent it for you mamma, not for her to torture you!
I like Lola; the expression on her face is priceless. She doesn't think she stole the cookies; clearly, they were hers. Dog property rules: I saw it, so it's mine.
All of them are soooo cute!
Mr. Bettis sends his sympathy to Zeus.
His owners have donned him with silly hats too.
Love the pics:).
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