These are from early this month...

A couple more from from earlier this week...

This is one of my favorites... I love the rain drops.
I've been continuing to document the robins this year and have some more photos to share.
May 7th ~ feathers are growing in...
May 8th ~ Yes, that's a 2nd nest with three more bright blue eggs that I found underneath the other side of the back deck!
May 11th ~ boy is that nest getting crowded!
May 12th ~ guess its a good thing there weren't four eggs!
May 13th ~ "I see you!"... the newer eggs still haven't hatched.
I just came in from a nest check... Although I haven't downloaded pics yet, I am happy to report there is the tiniest little chirp coming from the new nest, with one egg having just hatched. As for the original nest.... its empty!
Besides the tulips and robins, we have some all kinds of ahhh-chooo inducing things going on around here...
Maples...Apple trees... although they are not nearly as pretty this year as they have been in the past. I think some of them are dying...
I hope you have enjoyed my photography fun. Now, if you'll please excuse me while I mourn in silence for a little while...
I hope those aren't the same parents on both nests. They'll be worn out. The flowers are lovely. Have a good weekend.
Beautiful flowers. You have nicer deer than we do... they left your tulips for you to enjoy.
aaahhhhh........the empty nest(:-. But a new nesting in the making. YAY!
Love the flower pics. I remember you got a new camera. Do you mind reminding me the make again? It takes awesome pics.
Those babies are growing fast! Lovely tulips!
Wow, Nichole that top/left tulip is awesome! Beautiful color and feathering on it. Those are all great flower pics. I love photographing flowers. The make such great subjects and they don't try to run away while you're playing with the camera settings, LOL
great pics!! Lol, my mom this morning said she had the woodstove on and it was only sposed to hit 58 today. Those pics tell another story!
Now to make a calendar from those pictures...
Awesome pics!!! Tulips just won't grow here, too hot & it just doesn't get cold enough for them. Pout.
I love the bird/egg photos!!! :)
Ooo, I LOVE that GREEN tulip! How cool! Beautiful pics :)
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