Friday, July 17, 2009

A Little Fill-In...


Time for some fill-ins...

1. Frozen meatballs, some jar sauce and sub rolls make a quick and easy dinner.

2. Knitting the Threads of Time is the book I'm reading right now (yeah, I had to put it down long after my review... usually knitting wins out over reading time).

3. July brings back memories of camping... before we had 4 dogs!

4. Deleting and blocking was obviously a statement on her part as to what she thought of our "friendship."

5. They say if you tell your dreams ... well I suppose then someone will know what you dreamt of, right?

6. I really don't want to think it over, I've had enough.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleep!, tomorrow my plans include dinner with Matthew, Jill & Emma and Sunday, I want to see my honey win another race!


Autumn said...

I'm with ya on #6!
Happy Friday. :)

silfert said...

Now I'm hungry...

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