I'm also hoping to not be woken up at 4:00 am again this week by a blood-curdling scream from our newest Wild Animal Kingdom member, Mr (or maybe Mrs?) red fox. Yes, that's right... we were awoken from a dead sleep early Monday morning to the awful sound. I'm still not sure what the distress call was all about, but it sounded like what I would imagine would come when a Mama fox had just lost her young or a fellow fox was hit by a car or something. We didn't see any signs of a struggle (or loss of life) the next morning, so hopefully it was just a tactic used to scare another animal away. The fox was back in our front yard yesterday evening around dusk and I was able to get a couple of pictures after

I had seen a fox walking down the side of the road (entrance to really wooded areas) a couple weeks ago and saw something late Saturday night on the way home that I think was probably the fox as well. We normally don't see too many fox around, especially in our yard. The town is doing some work along the old carriage trails in those woods (think they are paving them to prevent the dirt bikes and make them more useable for walking, bicycling, etc) and I'm really starting to wonder if they've disturbed some dens in the process. Or perhaps with all of the rain we've had, some may have been flooded or collapsed. Remember we had the skunk family relocating across the bottom of a driveway last month? hmm...
Our (or one of?) resident bunny was also back yesterday. Apparently he likes bird seed because he kept coming back to the feeders, sitting under them and munching away. I managed a couple of pics from inside (he'd scatter every time I opened the door and the dogs started barking like crazy), including this cute "cotton tail" shot (you'll have to click to see it) and this action-hop shot...

3 of my 4 security alarms keeping a close eye on Mr Fox last night...
I've just downloaded tuns of pictures, so stay tuned for more "catch up" photo posts this week. I need to post a final Vacation Recap with photos from Tiger World and I've got a bunch of great new doggy shots to share! I'll leave you with some pics of the day lilies on the side of the house...

We have a pack of Coyotes who scream when they've made a kill. It makes the hair on on your arms stand up. The dogs hate the sound.
Your lilies are lovely. I'm allergic to lilies so we have none, but I love to see them in other yards.
I'm glad you figured out what the screamer was. Hopefully, it will be quiet after dark from now on.
You've got a lot of wildlife around your house. But with all those security alarms I'm sure you're quite safe.
My youngest thinks you must live in the wilderness.
I've heard one of those scream before. I happened to be home alone at the time and it scared me to death. Love the pic of your "alarms". :-)
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