Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Shake Your Bootee

As promised, I have not one, but two FOs to show off! I should hold off on one, as its still in the mail on the way to the recipient... but you know me, no patience! So Teri, if you're reading this, please stop now and come back after you get your birthday box!

First up are the Cuff Bootees from my new favorite Debbie Bliss book, which has grown a number of itty-bitty post-it legs, marking projects to do...


I originally cast these on for my great niece Emma, then set them aside while working on 101 other things. Then set them aside again when I realized the useless, sticking very un-trusty row counter in the Knit Kit failed me... I'd missed a row causing the second bootee's cuff to be backwards and threw them aside in disgust. Well, this past weekend I finally ripped back the cuff and fixed the issue.


Aren't they just stinking adorable?!?! And they are uber-soft as they are knit with Baby Cashmerino. The only problem now is I don't know if they will still fit Emma's growing feet and hence, not sure if they will go to her or a younger babe. These were a really fun knit and even with the dreaded seeming, I am sure I will make more.

Speaking of Miss Emma, I think its been awhile since I shared a photo, so here you go!

Emma_16wks Emma_16wksb

My other FO from the weekend is (finally!) the Nalu Mitts, which I call Mountaineer Mitts. I had Heather custom dye the yarn back in November and planned the mitts for my friend Teri's Christmas gift. I started a couple of other patterns but nothing was turning out quite the way I wanted, so they got tossed aside... and are now her birthday gift!

MountaineerMitts_709d MountaineerMitts_709c

Teri is a WVU alumni and has Mountaineer football season tickets, so I thought what better thing for fall football games... fingerless mitts! I got the idea after we attended a game in November and I saw all of the fans' custom knits. I just hope she loves them as much as I do (yes, I was a fingerless mitt skeptic at first but now I'm sold... what better fall accessory or driving gloves is there??!!). I also recently got confirmation that the colors were spot on, after I had debated whether or not the blue was "right," so I'm extra excited about that...


The yarn is Sereknity Perfect Sock, which knits up wonderfully! I had Heather custom dye me a Patriots colorway at the same time as the Mountaineers one. Although I do like the cable on these mitts, I think I want something more simple for mine so thanks to the wonderful Kathy (and Chan for the suggestion), I'll be making her mitts which she so graciously adjusted the pattern to fit the yarn!

Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday... its raining here... again.


Sue said...

Those booties are too adorable and Emma looks like a very happy little girl.

Marjie said...

Emma's adorable...makes me wish I had a wee one in the house (after 9? someone put that woman in a jacket with the sleeves in the back, and send her off to the loony bin!). The booties are precious, although I think your fur kids would say they're great for them in winter!

3 of my kids are WVU students. The girls go to all the games, and Jeff (AKA Big) is friendly with many of the players. Go Mountaineers! Great gift.

Bubblesknits said...

I love the booties! And thanks for sharing the pics of Emma. She's beautiful! :-)

SissySees said...

Emma's looking quite hale and hearty! The knits are lovely. Wonderful gifts.

Grace said...

cool stuff you made there and Emma is a cutie

Sonya said...

So adorable!

Dianne said...

The booties are so cute, and Emma is adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Booties are super cute, but Emma wins on this one. Tough competition that little lady. ;)

Anita said...

Adorable booties! And what GREAT photos of Emma! They made me smile. :)

Love the mitts too!!

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