Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wildlife Wednesday

Happy Wildlife-Wordless Wednesday! brrr... it's a cold one here this morning. We even had snow flakes (although a bit further North got 10 - 12 inches of snow overnight)!

The first Robin's egg of Spring...

RobinEgg_42310 RobinNest_42310

Three days later, two eggs...


I caught Chucky staring at me from his house-hole. He wouldn't go all the way inside until he was sure I was gone (read: I went to get my better camera for better shots and he disappeared)...


While trying to snap a shot of the Robins hanging out on some brush, they scattered and I caught this one mid-flight...


Happy Chipmunk...



SissySees said...

Pretty! We haven't seen any birds nests this year. I'm kinda' glad... I'm tired of cleaning the front porch, where they've nested the last few years.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, stopping in from WW. What a great wildlife pick! Following you.

Please stop by for a visit at

Have a beautiful day
Rebecca :)

Marjie said...

We always find robin's egg shells in the yard in late spring, but we try to avoid looking for birds' nests while the eggs are in them. Love your pictures, and I hope the snow stays well north of you!

Life With Dogs said...

This is much more fun than wordless! I love watching the little critters grow. :)

Sue said...

We haven't seen any new nests, but we know they're around here, hopefully high in the tall trees.

Bubblesknits said...

What gorgeous little eggs! We've got lots of birds and squirrels here at the new house and the cats are *loving* it. lol

Dianne said...

I have wildlife here too---five baby geese---on the roof of the museum. THE ROOF! Very stressful!

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