Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Boy Turns 8

The one who thinks he's still the baby of the house is 8 years old today...

Happy Birthday Teutul!

My "little boy" sure has grown up...

Tut_6311c Tut_12711

Teutul being King Tut....

Tut_61311 Tut_53011b

Hanging with his siblings...

4dogs_11411 TutZeus_41011e

Showing the love for his sisters...

TutSophie_1911 TutLola_6311

Trying to be Being a good foster brother...

Tut_Rosie_62611d Tut_RosieSookie_62511b

TutBentley_8811c LolaTutSkipper_91811b

Just chillin'...

Tut_11811 Tut_Legends_41011b

Being a goofball...

Tut_3711 Tut_bunny_411f

It's hard to believe he's 8 already!  This little puppy...

Teutul Teutul_babyFootball

is now this perpetual puppy...

Tut_041011 Tut_HHBone_41711


We're thinking of Tut's brother Tango and his family today as well.  Tango crossed over the Rainbow Bridge a year ago this past July.  We'll be lighting a candle in Tango's honor and hoping he is happily romping with friends and munching some doggy cake today!

Tango_71710 Tango


SissySees said...

Mea culpa!! How come I can't remember Tut's birthday is on our anniversary, between Sissy and the PWD pups?!

Oh well. More reason to paw-ty! Happy birthday King Tut!

Sue said...

Happy Birthday Tut. We wish you could come party with us. What a big blast we could all have together. We'll add your name when we sing tomorrow.
The Portie Pups

Kari in Alaska said...


Stop on by for a visit!

Marjie said...

He's a nice boy. Happy Birthday, Tut (the day after mine!)!

Leslie said...

He's a very handsome birthday boy!

Found you via the Saturday blog hop and happy I did. Tut's very cute.

gMarie said...

Happy Birthday to your King. What a handsome boy and he shares a birthday with my hubby! g

Bubblesknits said...

Happy late birthday, Tut! I'm catching up today, but Im sure your Mama gave you lots of birthday belly rubs. :D

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