Monday, July 08, 2013

Monday Already?

Is it really Monday already?  We definitely don't have any mischief going on today.  We've been having an icky, sticky heat wave here and everyone's energy is zapped!

We hope everyone had a very nice Lola's birthday.... er, we mean 4th of July!  My baby girl has a little bit of a stomach issue that started the day before, which meant we didn't do her birthday cake on Thursday (she will get that tonight).  She did get her present though, an adorable duckie who's squeakers are supposed to keep on squeaking even after her sister "kills" them...

A girl and her duckie #dogstagram #dobermanmix #love


On Friday, the birthday girl and her big brother went for a R-I-D-E to the vet. 


UntitledZeus was there for his quarterly blood work to check his liver levels.  We got the results this morning and they are about the same as they were in March.  While I would have liked to see them come back down, our wonderful vet seems happy with the stabilization and wants to wait 4 months to recheck this time around.

Lola was there for a 2 week check up after we decreased her prednisone down to 10mg every other day, and we figured we'd get her stool checked too (the "stomach" issues referred to above had absolutely nothing to do with her appetite or anything coming back up, just what was rocketing out of her butt). 

She had lots of kisses for our vet, who thought she looked great!  With some bacteria present in her stool, she's back on antibiotics for a week.  And yes, things seem to be clearing up ... which is a good thing!


Flea said...

The ducky is adorable! And stable is good. As is things clearing up. I don't know about giving the vet kisses, though, given the exploding rear end and dogs licking their own rears ... ;)

Sue said...

Yeah Zeus. I know we always want those levels to go down but our vet says staying stable is a good thing.

Five of my girls had high powered diarrhea two weeks ago. It had me super worried after last year, but it seemed to be a 48 hour bug. We treated with metronidazole and Forti-Flora and everyone is back to normal poops again.

Life with Wrigs said...

I'm glad to hear Lola is feeling better now that she's on antibiotics and hope she got to enjoy her birthday cake. Her new duck is too cute!

Sorry Zeus's liver levels haven't improved, but agree with your vet that keeping those numbers stable is the next best thing.

Hope your heat wave lets up soon!

Susan and Wrigs

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