Just when I was hopeful for a great start to the new year, Lola had her follow up appointment to recheck her right shoulder xray yesterday. The difference in just two weeks was more than evident (never mind the visible swelling, as well as her obvious pain and lameness). It's not arthritis, as we had hoped...
Dr. C is confident it's osteosarcoma, or bone cancer. Of course, the only way to know 100% would be to put her through an MRI and bone biopsy, which we have opted not to do. The only reason to do this would be if we were going to move forward with treatment which would more than likely include amputation, chemo and radiation. Even if we did pursue these options (which I would in a heartbeat if I knew it was a cure - I'd happily go into debt and eat ramen noodles for years), bone cancer is not curable and there is a better than good chance that this very aggressive, nasty cancer has already metastasized elsewhere. To put Lola through all of the trauma (and hope that she survived it at her age), the most we could hope for would be 3 - 6 months. Instead, we have opted to work on managing the disease and her pain as best we can. Her traditional medications are being increased, and we have an appointment with a holistic vet for tomorrow who has some wonderful ideas that I'm anxious to hear more about.
This is an extremely difficult decision - I can not stand the thought of losing the sweetest dog in the world to such a horrible disease - and as much as I start second guessing things, I know that we're doing the right thing for my baby girl. I just hope that we have a lot of quality time left with her.
Please, keep those paws crossed, send good vibes and thoughts, and extend the Power of the Paw our way. We really need it now....
(and now for the wordless part)
Sending Lots of Golden Thoughts. Yes, Cancer is a horrible disease. Golden LOVE
I am so very sorry. I think you are choosing the right track, keeping her comfortable and happy and not putting her through the pain of the treatments. My mother had cancer, and the treatments were unbearable for her, so I went with her to both her primary care doc and oncologist to tell them that she didn't want to continue and that her family supported this decision. They of course wanted to "extend her life" but the quality of life conditions were awful. And poor Lola would not be able to tell you any of this. You are a great dog-ma, Nic, and I cry for your suffering.
Power of the paw heading your way. I'm so sorry.
Monty and Harlow
I'm so sorry to hear this. Praying that the time you have left with her is full of good things. Just enjoy each day you get with her. My last dog, Shadow, had untreatable cancer. It was a sad time and yet I treasured each moment I got to spend with her.
With Monty we had no options, his lungs were full of cancer and he couldn't breathe. With Tsar, we had many of the ones you have with Lola. None were good and we knew that Tsar would hate them. We chose the same as you, to keep him happy for as long as possible.
Quality of life is very important for our dogs and we completely support your decisions. Let e know if I can help in any way.
love to your girl I am so sorry. We are of course as you know in the same boat and now Norbert isn't eating evne on the steroids so we are't likely to get much more time with him. Hugs
retro rover
Our pack at K9sOverCoffee is sending you plenty of positive energy & good thoughts to get you all through this. Our girl Missy was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in October ~ luckily her tumor could be removed surgically and she's going through a total of 4 chemotherapy treatments now.
I understand your decision & hope your holistic vet will be able to help your girl a little.
We are so very sorry about Lola's diagnosis. We are sending healing purrs and our paws are crossed that you have lots of quality time together.
Sending love, so sorry to hear about Lola's diagnosis.
We know it is a hard decision made out of love for Lola. We hope you have many more good days together.
This is when loving these sweet, selfless creatures is so very tough. We are so very sorry you and Lola have to face this cruel diagnosis. Crossed paws for both of you, and everyone who cares about sweet Lola.
sending Lola belly rubs!
Oh no. Lots of prayers for Lola. Hope she's not in pain & praying for miracles ~Rascal and Rocco
Well crap! I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope she is doing well and you are enjoying the time you have with her the best you can. Such hard, hard decisions. I'll keep you both in my thoughts and Beau & Abby send healing drool - or at least feel good drool! g
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