Friday, April 25, 2008

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon to Lapdog Creations...


Yes, I will soon be doing book reviews (craft and pet related), and possibly yarn, notion and knitting related item reviews as well. I'm very excited to get back to writing in this manner, as some of you know that I used to write music reviews (CDs, concerts, etc) and do band/artist interviews. I really miss that writing aspect and had a brainstorm (thank you Ally!)... what a great way to put to even better use and bring some useful content to my readers! I've already received my first shipment of books from one publisher and hope to get reviews started very soon!

Also, I've just updated my Etsy Shop with 14 new sets of markers!!! Included in this batch were some great summery sets (baseball, coffee, summer chic, lady bugs, etc), more doggy sets and a couple of awareness sets too.

If you entered my contest, please be patient... winners will be announced in the coming week. I'm still awaiting the arrival of some of the prizes and didn't want to pick winners without prizes in hand.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Wow, you've been busy...Markers look great!

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