You know with Spring the famous saying goes "April Showers, bring May flowers", please tell us what you like to do when those April Showers are pouring down on you. Do you like to curl up with your knitting, take in a movie or crawl back in bed?
Well, April showers and melting snow from March usually combine to bring a wet basement for us, which is not fun. So in between trying to keep things from getting wet and cursing like a drunken sailor
pumping out water, I like to settle in on the couch with some guilty pleasure tv (think the celeb-reality shows on VHI and E) or cooking/craft shows (Food Network, DIY...), a nice cup of coffee, my knitting, some magazines and the dogs. Chocolate and peanut butter stuffed pretzels (especially from Trader Joe's) help...

I love the dog knitting can i borrow it for my ravelry avatar? it made me laugh is it Bob? Hugs Darcy
I too love the little knitty dog! I wonder if Sissy will EVER be calm enough to pose like that?!
That looks like Snoop knitting!!!!
You are making me hungry!! LOL
cute knitty doggie! :)
Love them craft shows..lol Chocolate definitely sounds good!!
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