A few reminders before the pictures... you have until tomorrow to enter my contest (or to get all your extra entries in)! Scroll back a bit and you'll see I've begun posting photos of some of the prizes that have arrived. Trust me... dog lover or not, knitter or not, you don't want to miss out on these awesome prizes!
For those of you who only visit on Thursdays for DOT, please scroll back a couple posts to see the kids with their DOT Spring swap package from Chan!
Now to the usual Thursday photos... I took my floating holiday on Monday and the kids got their spring baths (except for Miss Sophie who got an impromtu bath a couple days prior due to rolling around in some unknown nasty substance outside)... here's the photo montage!
My queen Lola was first in the tub... she's the easy, lady like one who'll hop in

Zeus the moose was next... he played the dead weight game with me, but I still managed to get all 118 pounds of him in ... on my own I might add (damn I'm getting good at this!)...
Look at that face... all depressed because he's not stinky anymore!
King Tut went last... after trying his best to hide in the bedroom, the kitchen, even in his crate... he's such a goofball! Of course he survived the bath just fine...

No wet Sophie pictures from her bath, but some cute ones nonetheless...

She even kept an eye on her siblings by peaking around the corner in to the bathroom to make sure no one was drowning... what a good sister (of course if there was a problem, she wasn't going to step foot in the bathroom again while bath time was going on...but she'd watch)!
We tried posing for a family photo again, but Zeus was still acting all melodramatic about being clean...
Sophie thought it was pretty funny (okay, so maybe that is a yawn, but I'd prefer to think it was a hearty laugh about everyone being wet - including soaked Mommy - except for her)....
What a bunch of great looking dogs.
I don't know, looks like a laugh to me!
I love it!! Reminds me Wilbur & Char are do for a bath. Isn't Zeus funny about being clean (just like a boy!). You also got plenty of exercise I'm sure esp. hauling him in and outta the tub. You go girl!
You are the bravest woman I know. Bathing your pups. Grover flat out refuses to let me. He must be taken to the groomer, so he isn't bathed often.
Zeus is hilarious! I love that pouty look.
It certainly looks like Sofie is laughing. When I do baths, I just put my suit on and climb into the tub with them. g
Great family photo! Zeus is being Zeus so he fits perfectly. I'm thinking I need to make grooming appointments for Max and Lailah. I'm heeding the "Do not try this at home" warning.
Hey - somebody needed to be available to dial 9-1-1 in case of an emergency. Sophie was just doing her part...
LOVE Zeus's depressing drama king act, and that head tilt of Lola's...
OMG! It kills me to bathe the two I have. Cannot imagine having to do TWO more.
I love that you can get a pic of them all together. Mine have to be asleep to get them to be still.
Ahhh...so clean and fresh!
Snoop and Diamond got theirs a couple of weeks ago, the shampoo smell is fading, time for another!
OH my gosh! I love it. The pictures of your kids are wonderful. Ms. Lola is quite photogenic and Sophie seems to have too much fun watching her siblings get their baths.......LOL
Thank you for sharing your pics, they're great.
ps I'm sending Mr. Bettis your way since you seem to do this dog bath thing quite well:)
Great family photo, even if Zeus didn't cooperate. Here the dog park has bays (like at a carwash)with hoses and I take the shampoo and wash my puppy there after she's done swimming and playing. However, it's much easier with one than four.
Oh my gosh! That group photo is just too cute!!!! That was one heck of a day getting them all in the tub! :)
Bet you were worn out when it was all over. Your group is getting much better about posing together.
You know the only one in my house that likes water is the bulldog. She loves a bath you just have to tell her to go get some water and she will hop in the tub on her own and sit down. The Retriever hates the water!
I think Sophie is laughing too.
They are too cute! Poor Zeus - he is so pathetic! Abbie and Chloe are going to have their b-a-t-h's this weekend, only they don't know it yet - bwaaaahhhaaaaahahhaha!
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