As always, Tut {as always, click the linked names for more new pics... you know my addiction to the shutter!} and Lola seem to know when there's something inside a box for them (although Lola will gladly stick her head in any box, bag or the like that you bring in to the house)...

Here are the goodies all packaged up in a most useful tote ... which btw, Matt gave me the "another bag??" thing again, but seriously now... as a knitter who has a

In order to get a decent photo
While Sophie patiently looked on and waited for Mommy to bring it all back inside...
Chan sure did stuff that bag full of some wonderful treats for both the doggies and myself! There were 2 bags of Veggie Life treats (which the kids love), minty tennis balls, a great Kong toy with rope, a cute squeaky sheep (more about her later...), microfiber towel (which got used during their spring baths yesterday!), doggy socks for me, some awesome handmade soap & soap dish (made by Robin), a magnetic board, and this...
What is that you ask? Well... I get my mail on the way to work in the morning and hadn't really thought there could be anything meltable in the box, so I left it in my car all day... with the windows rolled up... and it was an almost 70 degree day outside... and well, the Zinfandel Dark Chocolate bites didn't quite make it. However, I did freeze it and ended up cutting it in to pieces... you can melt the chocolate, but that won't make a chocoholic turn away from it!
Back to the toys... the squeaky sheep quickly became Sophie's new favorite buddy!
Of course, then it became the "its mine... no its mine" toy of the moment for the 2 babies (mind you, one of the babies is now 4 1/2 years old, but try telling him that!)...
Lola opted to try out the kong rope while the tug-of-war waged on behind her...
Then she was too pooped to care ...
Which meant the happy big goof ball boy finally got his shot at the new toys...
A face only a mother could love...
Chan was a little concerned that Miss Sheepie might get a little dirty... well, dirt was the least of her worries. Unfortunately, Miss Sheepie didn't make it through the night ...
She was savagely destuffed, then someone-who-shall-remain-nameless decided she needed some trimming around the ears... ahh, the joy of kids dogs!
Thank you so much Chan... it is an amazing doggy swap package that we all love!
Nic, I always love to read your writings about the dogs. I can't keep from laughing and you don't need to rat out the one who thought the sheep needed it's ears trimmed.
What great pictures! I love the one of Lola watching the tug of war. That's hilarious!
What a swap package! WOW! That's so funny how they were so in to their package! Such sweeties!
Great post! Those photos are just too funny!!! They definately enjoyed their new toys. :)
What a package! The kids are so cute with their new toys. You're very resourceful when it comes to the chocolate - good thinking!
SNOL... The sheep got what I expected, in about the right timeframe. I was HOPING Sophie would get to "lurvers" the sheep longer than anticipated, but such is life with dogs. It was fun spoiling you!
What a great package! I totally agree with you that dogs need as much stuff as a baby when you travel. I have a designated backpack I use for our poop bags, travel water bowl, emergency biscuits, etc.
I am so glad you got spoiled too!
Looks like a great swap package. And, at last, I've found someone who owns up to what their dogs do to that type of toy. Poor Miss Sheepie. It would have happened exactly like that here, too. I keep seeing all of these really sweet pictures of dogs who treasure their toys and carry them around carefully and sleep with them. Unfortunately, I've never seen it in person. My boys don't waste any time. Rip and de-stuff. Rip and de-stuff.
What a great package!! Yummy melted chocolate. :)
Haha! Stuffed sheep toys are really popular with knitters' dogs, aren't they? Abbie is still tending very nicely to hers - she gives it a total grooming every morning and night. Sophie's toy looks like it's already well-loved.
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