Back to the dogs... I unearthed some of their toys from
With my contest post last Thursday, I left you all hanging without the usual 1001 doggy pics, so here's a little catch up ... enjoy the rest of your day!
I'm still working on getting that perfect 4 doggy shot (why was 3 so much easier?) {as always, links have more pics}
Sophie being uncooperative...
Sophie doing her best Elvis Snarl...
Sophie's gone again (do you sense a theme here... now I know why 3 was easier!)
We've been attacked had plenty of birdie watching (and chasing) going on in the past couple weeks.
The pesky creatures sure held Tut's undivided attention and he got that "nose to the camera" thing going on again...
Zeus waking up from a nap... "did someone say BIRDIES??!!"
Speaking of napping... Lola & Sophie, still showing that sisterly love is the best (and should not be disturbed!).
Kenyetta was who I got to spoil in the DOT Spring Swap and I'm happy to see that the basket arrived in one piece and that she, Diamond & Snoop enjoyed it all. I had so much fun putting this swap package together and can't wait for another doggy swap!
On a sad note, please hop on over and send Mary some good vibes. She's had a terrible week with loosing both Storm and Electra. {{{hugs}}}
You always have such terrific shots of your babies and Sophie is being raised properly. You are a good mommie.
Hi Nichole,
maybe I'm having a blonde moment this morning (okay, when I was a kid I had blonde hair so that still counts), but I went to your contest page and I can't find the spot to click on so I can comment there. Where is it? And, I already made a donation to the ASPCA today before I read about your contest... so I will have to see what other stuff I can do to "go orange."
I'm making my rounds..lol
Oh you did good getting the 4 in the one shot! Great pic's of the gang!
Thanks for all the hugs and stuff :) I've decided to stay busy and work on keeping Lady busy too..she's just moping too much and I bet its the quetness bugging her too!
Hope the ocntest goes well, Happy Dogs Day to you all!!
Found toys are the best kind!
I Love the 4 in 1 dog shot!
I can't seem to get all our pets in one picture!
Cats are just not as cooperative as dogs I guess.
Thank you so much for all you do for dogs!!! People like you make the world a better place for them.
love the contest you are having.
Okay, Elise and I went orange today during our work travels and we were able to tell others why she was wearing orange. It was fun.
Elise and I are also on our way to make our donation, I tried early this morning before work and I couldn't get the donate button to come up. So I am going to try again.
I love the all the photo! we went orange today
The ASPCA donate button just let
Elise and I make a $25. donation for your cause.
Hope it helps you reach your goal.
So, you finally got all four of them on one photo. Good job.
Mr. Sheepie is too cute to be a dog toy. He'd be ripped up at our house.
I added something about the ASPCA today.
I also couldn't find the comment spot on the contest post. I will post and donate to the ASPCA (good things to do anyway). Your dogs are amazing. They look like a lot of fun.
Those pics of Sophie and Lola are heartwarming! So very sweet!
Too cute! Sophie is such a doll herself... She and her new friend are just darling!
Sophie and Lola are adorable!
Thanks Nichole, for having this contest for such a worthy cause. Even without the possibility of winning prizes, I'm doing the following: (1) fostering 3 adorable puppies for my local low-kill shelter, Animal Haven, (2) I've made 4 snuggles for Animal Haven that are posted on my blog and on the DOT snuggles Project blog, (3) I've posted about your contest on my blog, (4) I'm donating some Trekking yarn. Thanks again!
It's the same way with kids when you have more than one. Cute pics and Tut is just too funny!!
What cute dog pictures. They look so cooperative in the pics. How do you do this? I can't get mine to sit still for a minute let alone to get their pic taken together.
You and your pups are lucky to have each other:)
I think Sophie is singing -- Hound Dog!! What sweet faces!
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