Wednesday, August 19, 2009

wordless wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday! With the second week of pre-season football among us, I thought I'd share a few "refresher" pics today. You all know I'm a huge Patriots fan, but I'm also now a huge anti-Eagles girl!





Sam said...

Haha, I loved these! Thanks for putting them back up and reminding me of them. The first one is my favorite.

Sue said...

I love the new shirt that says " Vick's an Eagle-Hide Your Beagle"

Robin said...

LOVE IT!!!! I think the conditions of his "reinstatment" should be that he play with two really mean pit bulls tied to his ankles!
From a Cowboys fan...I'm not fond of the Eagles either!

SissySees said...

May as well laugh as cry, huh?

Dianne said...

I've never been a footbal fan, but am terribly upset about Vick not only getting back into the NFL, but on the Eagles!!! I've dropped my membership in the Humane Society of the United States for their support of this monster. I emailed Dicks Sporting Goods to thank them for NOT carrying Michael Vick Eagles merchandise.

silfert said...

Definitely NOT supporting the Eagles. Can't get behind an organization that's more concerned with cash flow than doing the right thing.

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