Thursday, August 06, 2009

Lobster Days of Summer...

Happy Doggy Day... and more importantly, almost Friday! Before I share the usual doggy pictures, I just wanted to take a second to say RIP Sam. Sadly Sam, the 4-year-old Koala who became famous after he was injured and rescued from the historic Australia wildfires, died today.

APTOPIX Australia Wildfires

In happier news... the kids have truly been feeling the heat of the dog days of summer this past week.

Tut & Lola ~ "Go outside? No thanks... I'll just lounge here for now."

Tut_709 Lola_709

Sophie & Zeus ~ "Mom... its hot... we don't like it!"

Sophie_709 Zeus_709

Sophie showing her dog lobster days of summer spirit...

Sophie_Lobster_709b Sophie_Lobster_709c

The heat and humidity seem to have gone away today and we're expecting "fall-like" temps through the weekend... woo hoo!


Sue said...

We could sure use some rain and cooler temps. Your guys look like mine, just lounging around the house. Our lobster is more beat up than yours, but it's one of our favorite toys.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Where did you get that lobster? I've been looking all over for one. Even tried knitting one myself.

I want rain and fall like temperatures. It's been way, way too hot here. g

Robin said...

So sad about Sam...

Love the lobster, and this weekend it's gonna get even hotter here!

SissySees said...

A pea-green lobster? No wonder your dogs don't feel well... ;)

Jacki said...

Thanks for posting about Sam - I hadn't heard that. Love the lobster!

Jacki said...

Thanks for posting about Sam - I hadn't heard about that. I remember how touched we all were over the original photos.

Love the lobster!

Poppy Cottage said...

They are so cute! So sad to hear about Sam ;(

Happy DOT,

Anonymous said...

YAY for dog days of summer... FINALLY! Green lobster? I'm confused... I was at a conference in Bar Harbor Maine over the weekend and I was told they had blue lobsters and I couldn't wrap my head around THAT. Hmm

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