Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Emma!

Has it really been a whole year since my little 4 pound preemie Great Niece came into our lives?

Emma_32509cRound Emma_hat_32009e

It was a year ago today that I interrupted Dogs on Thursday to announce her arrival ... and a year later, we interrupt DOT once again to wish the Princess a Happy 1st Birthday (doggy friends, scroll back to yesterday's post!)!

A month old...

Emma_curious_309 Nic_Emma_40109

I still love her "no more pictures" pose...

Happy baby!

First "official" photo shoot...

First Halloween... isn't the Boo shirt
adorable (purchased by yours truly)?

First Christmas...

Happy 1st Birthday Emma!


Marjie said...

I wondered where Baby Emma's been! She is so adorable! I miss the baby days around here...

Bubblesknits said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!!

Sue said...

It's been a year already!! Happy Birthday to a special girl. Have a great day.

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Wow, that went really fast.

SissySees said...

Happy birthday, little Emma!

Dianne said...

Happy Birthday sweet Emma!!! She is absolutely adorable! Give her kisses from everyone here the next time you see her!

Anita said...

Happy Birthday to Emma! (late...) I love all the photos. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to the little lady!

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