When he crashed at the Lapdog B&B, his name was Bobby, however his forever family quickly changed it to Freddie. While he was here, he romped, wrestled and snuggled with all of the Lapdogs and little Harper.
Wrestling Puppies...

I adore this shot of Sophie & Lola

Is there anything cuter than two snugly little pups?

Sophie was such a great hostess to her mini-me Harper and little Freddie. Eventually, Tut got jealous and wanted to get in on the cuddling too.

Freddie napping with Tut and hanging with Zeus...

Freddie, a Great Dane/Lab mix, was only 9 weeks old when he popped into our lives and boy was he full of puppy kisses! He was an absolute love-bug! When he wasn't giving kisses, he was sleeping in my lap...

Mama Lola and her foster babies...

The amazing foster Daddy...

I have not heard from Freddie's family since a couple of weeks after he was adopted, but do hope he is doing well. He had another doggy sibling named Finnbarr, as well as two human siblings to play with, so I'm sure he's keeping busy. They sent us a few photos when they did write...

And speaking of the absolutely adorable Harper, here's a really cute shot I found of her when I was going through the Freddie photos (and yes, I still have more of Harper from December that I haven't gotten to yet)... and one her Mom just sent over of her all decked out in her PATS jersey. Harper is ready for the big game this weekend - are you?

Cuties!! Of course I happen to think Freddie is an awesome name...
Cute puppies! I just met the dog across the street (who has only lived there for about a year, but much of that was in construction time). She's a greyhound in a sweater.
Oooooo, cuteness overload!!! I was thinking of you last night watching the football game. So sorry about the outcome...
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