Is it really Ten on Tuesday time again already? Where did the past week fly away too? Today's topic is 10 Things You Can See From Your Favorite Knitting Spot.
1. The TV. It's directly across from my spot in the living room.
2. My babies. Well, 3 of them anyway. Tut, Sophie & Lola are sleeping on the sofa to the right, Zeus is in the bedroom.
3. A floor that really needs to be vacuumed right now. 4 dogs = an always furry carpet. It's a never ending battle.
4. Lots of WIP's. The majority of my current knitting projects are to my left. There are quite a few...
5. Magazines and books. Two stacks on the coffee table in front of me, as well as many knitting books stacked up to my left.
6. Yarn. I really need to work on organization and storage. A lot of this stuff should not be in the living room...
7. Dog toys. We have 2 baskets of toys in the living room. They're always full and there are always several more toys scatter across the floor. Spoiled Lapdogs?
8. Photos. Family photos are displayed throughout the living room.
9. Coffee Bean Plant. This started out as a wee little desk top plant several years ago and has been transplanted 3 times since. It's now a floor plant and has lived in my office for years. Since becoming unemployed, it's unhappily living in my living room. Mr. Bean does not like the cold and lack of fluorescent lighting... I'm hoping it survives.
10. A big roll of FOR Stickers. Friends of Retrievers are once again sponsoring Matt's race car (so proud and excited!) and they sent us stickers to hand out to the kids at the races this year!
I love the dog images one and all. I LOVE the yarn you are showing. WHat is it??? I can see two of my cats from my current perch. The kitten is snoring too...
Oh, let's not talk about fuzzy floors. I really do need to drag out the vacuum, but we all hate it.
Is there such a thing as non-fuzzy carpet? Even now, I have remnants of Thor on many carpets. If anyone doesn't like it, they can stay out on the street and not be offended. I love that the Lapdogs are on high alert, and I'll bet they're all thrilled that you've decided to spend more quality time with them (involuntarily, but who's keeping track of such details?)!
My daughters bought me 2 hibiscus trees once for my patio, and I brought them inside in October. I called a florist in Hawaii to find out how to take care of them, and she said, "I went to my grandfather's house once, in Virginia, when I was 10. He had a central heater. Do you have one of those?" I knew then it was not going to be an easy conversation. She just didn't understand cold. And my hibiscus didn't understand a lack of sunlight in winter time. It was sad.
love that photo of the three dogs looking out the window. I'll bet that's a "favorite view" for them. and good luck to Mr Bean. who would think that lack of florescent light would be bad for a living thing?! (and p.s. I think things look pretty neat around you - especially considering FOUR Lapdogs!)
very cute dogs! i think i'm going to post a pic of mine next week!
Sounds like you've got a great view from your knitting spot!
Regarding the dog hair: I have hardwood floors. I just turn on the ceiling fan and it blows the hair into little tumbleweeds around the perimenter of the room. Makes it easy to sweep them up!
Good list :) Love the dogs in the window! I can only imagine the fluffy floors and I only have 1 dog and 1 cat.
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