Wednesday, February 22, 2012

When Good Trees Attack

Happy Wordless Wednesday!  Have you ever seen a tree impale the ground?





Cheryl said...

HOLY SMOKES! How did that happen?
I'm currently reading a book that just had a crazy plant monster in it... It's a better book than it sounds. ;0)
Happy WW!

SissySees said...

Oh yes. There's a fair amount of that around here, and I suspect we'll find even more when we're able to get to our neighbors' trail system by the river and up into the hills...

HH and The Boys said...

I guess that makes me glad we don't go outdoors.... Very dangerous for sure.

pawhugs, Max

gtyyup said...

Yes, mostly on the west side of Oregon where all the trees grow! Nice find!

Bubblesknits said...

Seen it a few times and it never fails to make me shudder. I always think, "What if...". Why yes, I *am* a worrywart...why do you ask??? LOL

Marjie said...

It's really nuts what the wind does! I know that wasn't snow this year.

jen said...

Wow, luckily no one was hurt!

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