Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If It Makes You Happy...

It's Ten on Tuesday and today's topic is 10 Everyday Things That Make You Happy... after a stressful couple of weeks filled with extreme heat and humidity, I have to say just thinking about this topic makes me smile.  I could not not participate today!

Untitled1. Knitting. I often joke that "I knit so that I don't kill people."

2. Electricity. I'm not just talking about the ability to turn on a light or watch TV... in my house it's also necessary to run water, flush the toilet, cook and have heat.  We've had several multi-day (read: well over a week) outages from ice storms and Nor'easters.

3. Coffee.  I'm so not a morning person... the smell of fresh brewed coffee really helps.

4. Flip Flops. I live in them all summer long.

5. My container garden.  I'm a little perplexed by my zucchini (get pretty big flowers, then they fall off and leave no veggie behind), but everything else seems to be doing well!

6. Holding hands.  Simple, yet happy...

7. Surprise packages.  We received one from the awesome Sue and her pack last week!*

8. Mio. Have you tried it yet?  I'm hooked!  I'm using my Camelbak and drinking more water lately.

Untitled9. Instagram.  I love that I can turn a ho-hum photo into something artistic and share with my friends.  I always have a camera with me, but find myself taking a lot more photos of truly every day things now with my phone.  "I gotta Instagram THAT!"

10. My Dogs. Their unconditional love is unmatched.

Bonus #11. Puppy Breath... it sort of goes along with #10, however I only get doses here and there when we foster babies...

*Thank you again to Sue & her pack for the wonderful surprise package!  We love it all... and these Instagram pics just reminded Mommy that chocolate should be on her Top Ten list today as well!

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Marjie said...

There is a lot to be thankful for at any time, if only we look around. Happy Tuesday, Nichole!

Kathy R said...

A Hershey bar for a dog...how I love that!

Your top ten lists are always good. I enjoy reading them each time you do one.

Donna said...

Mio is awesome! And I totally agree that puppy breath is beyond heaven.

Beth said...

I have trouble with my zucchini, too. There is the same trouble you have but I also have been getting squash vine borers. I never used to have trouble.

jen said...

I am so jealous of you tomatoes! It seems like mine have been green forever!

Sue said...

We're so glad your pack liked their new toys. Everyone likes something new now and then.
Morgan, Sebastian and the Porties

Honoré said...

This *is* a happy list; love that the dogs like Hershey bars ---me too.


The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

I love surprise packages too. I got 2 last month. Also flip flops & tomatoes. I'm hoping to get an ipod for X-mas & I think I can use instagram with that.

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