I always said Izzy was one smart cookie and she proved me right (again) by learning the agility equipment in just minutes! She's very food motivated and it only took a couple treats before she was zipping back and forth through the tunnel and over the A-frame.

She thought about jumping off the top during her first try on the A-frame, but instead opted to turn around and go back down the same side she went up. However, within minutes she became an A-frame pro and even had other dogs following her across!

If you've been following for awhile, you know that Lola has become the Old Lady of the dog park and much prefers to lie down in a cool shady spot and just watch. This is exactly what she was doing while Izzy was showing off... (little Izzy was so fast I missed her head in this shot)

I never really managed a great shot of the girls together, but it wasn't for lack of trying...

I always say that photos and updates on our foster babies really make my day and I can't get enough. It's even more amazing when we get together with them for play dates! Thank you to Izzy's parents for taking time out of their busy life to hang out with us.
Speaking of updates, here's a couple of shots of one of our 2007 foster babies, Cotton. She has been keeping an eye on her adorable baby brother and thinking about modeling on the side... ha ha

Another update... Belle (aka mini Lola) is growing up fast and attends most of the NELCAR races. I'm so happy that Pete & Wanda decided to add her to their family... we get to see her all summer long. And yes, we did try to talk them into adopting Booth as well, but they've got their hands full at the moment.

Everyone at the track loves Belle and she gets spoiled by our entire NELCAR family...

Booth has also gained many fans at the track and several of our NELCAR family members have been following along and rooting for the little man to find his perfect forever home. Well, I'm pleased to say that Boo has been adopted! It's very bittersweet, especially since he's so attached to me (and yes, uh-hum, I'm quite attached to him as well). I do think he's going to the perfect family though, complete with a 5 year old doxie sister to play with. He was adopted on Tuesday, but his family had a mini vacation planned... which means we have custody of the little man through this weekend!

So wonderful seeing the fosters again and see how well they are doing, isn't it? :-)
It's always great getting updates and seeing previous fosters!
I'm so glad you found a home for Booth! We wouldn't want the state harassing you for being a kennel, now would we? hahaha Nice updates on former kids, and Cotton looks really happy with that baby (the baby looks pretty pleased, too).
WOOF! For all the happy fams!
What a wonderful post. So nice to see everybuddies progress... wonderful...
hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles
That looks like a great park!
Stop on by for a visit
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