Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Trees, Santa and Antlers - Oh My!

Can you believe Christmas is in 2 days?  We sure can't... so let's get wordless!

Penny Sitting with Santa - Lapdog Creations

Christmas Tree 2015 - Lapdog Creations

2 Hounds and a Doberman Mix #AdoptDon't Shop - Lapdog Creations

Christmas Tree By The Sea with Starfish by Lapdog Creations

Senior Coonhound with Elf Antlers - Lapdog Creations

Motif #1 Rockport MA Christmas 2015 by Lapdog Creations

Doberman Puppy in a Santa Hat - Lapdog Creations

Nichols Candy Gloucester MA by Lapdog Creations

It's our first Christmas without Lola and Zeus... and we're all missing them very much.

Angel Dog Ornaments - Lapdog Creations


Sue said...

We love all those pictures. Penny, you are going to love Christmas, it's a great day for a dog.

Unknown said...

We understand, and it was nice of you to share the memories. Love Dolly

The Daily Pip said...

Oh, I am sorry. I am sure you miss them so much. Merry Christmas.

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