Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Chilly Doggy Thursday

It seems the chill is moving in to New England and we're expecting some rain / possible freezing mix later this evening. Even though it was 60 degrees all last week... but of course, the cold has moved in just in time for me to go freeze my behind off at tonight's Patriots game! (yes, I've already dug out my long undies...)

Enough of my complaining though... on with Dogs on Thursday! Be sure to hop on over and sign up for the 2nd Annual Ornament Swap if you haven't already!

Mr. Sheepie is still quite popular around here! Lola's [click linked names for more pics] been caught cuddling with him...


Sophie's been rastling him to the ground... and I just loved this "I can't see you!" shot...

Sophie_sheep110808b Sophie_111008

She's also been caught snuggling with her Daddy on cooler nights lately...


Tut's already moody about the cold weather...


Zeus must be getting a little cold too, as he's become my 120 pound cuddling monster lapdog once again..

Zeus_110908 Zeus_110908b

Foster Update... Earlier this week I received some new pictures of Dustee from his Mom and you all know how happy pictures of my old fosters make me. Looks like Mr. Dustee created his own little doggy door... oopsie! Its a good thing he's so damn cute!!!

Dustee_doggydoor Dustee

Happy Little Friday... stay tuned for the LL Bean / Planet Dog holiday gift review for all the lucky pooches on your gift giving list!


Paula said...

Ahh, he made his own doggie door!
I wonder if he was giving them a hint.

he lamb looks so cozy and Sophie and Lola are cute cuddled up to it.

Elise has been getting ready for the cold weather by stealing all out cozy blankets and getting on the bed and pulling the blankets all in to a pile then snuggling under them.

Bubblesknits said...

lol What cute pictures! Our cats seem to have sensed the cold weather, too. Now, at night we have all four of them on the bed with us. We need a bigger bed!

Dianne said...

That picture of Sophie snuggling with her daddy is adorable. It looks like she has bunny ears in that picture! So very sweet.

SissySees said...

Gretchen wants to know if Zeus will hold her, until about mid-April? This cold rain crap is for the ... dunno what, but not Gretchie.

Love Dustee's home improvement!

Sue said...

On the other hand, Tsar loves this weather and it's all I can do to get him to come in. He waits patiently all summer sleeping in the basement where it's cool. At the first sign of cold weather he comes alive.

I want to adopt Zeus.

Anonymous said...

Love them all - the tall hounds come alive with the cold. The get springy and full of energy. Of course it doesn't get nearly as cold here! g

AllyB said...

Love that home-made doggie door! bwa-ha-ha-ha!

Marjie said...

We're feeling the chill, too. Thor doesn't mind that as much as he objects to rain. Do your furbabies love the snow?

Anita said...

It was mid-70's here today, I am looking forward to some a little bit colder.... I'd at least like to wear my sweatshirts! LOL

Cute photos of all the pups! :)

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