Wednesday, November 19, 2008

worldess wednesday


Can you say wow??!! I actually got it even cheaper... $1.57 per gallon, thanks to 2 coupons from Shaw's!


Dianne said...


Anonymous said...

yes, but don't be lulled...only a matter of time before we're jerked up. Keep your eye on the goal of energy independence!

SissySees said...

It's about time.

Turtle said...

holy **** cow!!! We are still at 2.17 a gallon for the cheap stuff!

JO said...


Here's my entry. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! We haven't hit under the $2.00 mark yet. Getting close in the 2-teens, but still. Hooray. g

Anonymous said...

wow, in costa rica, we're still seeing $5 a gallon. it's insane.
Happy WW!
Have you ever seen Hummingbird babies?

silfert said...

BDT. But the oil companies are STILL showing a profit, I hear. Hmmm...

Bubblesknits said...

::doing happy dance::

Mindy said...

I saw it for $1.75 last night. When I fueled up just on Tuesday, I got it for $1.77 including my 2 cents off per gallon discount card. I hope it either keeps going down or stays where it is at.

I tagged you on my blog today. If you haven't filled it out on someone else's already, see my post "Tagged: page 56."

Paula said...

Now if the gas prices would just last like that for the rest of the year!

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