Friday, March 20, 2009

You Have to Spend Money To Make Money

Happy Spring! Happy Friday!

So... I thought I might have an actual FO report for you today, but not quite. Emma's umbilical cord hat is almost off the needles, just an inch or two of i-cord left. What I do have to share is some great modeling shots of the first umbilical cord hat which I made at the end of July for then-new-baby Ethan. I think it was one of those "can't find size 7 circs, I'll just use 8's" moments, which resulted in a bit bigger hat than I would have liked... as it actually fits him quite nicely now.

Ethan_hat_309b Ethan_hat_309c

Isn't Ethan the perfect little model? I just want to squeeze those little cheeks!

In more baby hat news, Emma's first hat is already looking a bit small on her. I had actually made two, since the first one came out super-tiny-preemie sized...


Here are some other cute, smiley shots...

Emma_CabledHat_309 Emma_CabledHat_309b

I just adore seeing all these smiling, laughing shots of her. Such a happy baby... she doesn't even seem to mind that Auntie knit her such a tiny little hat. Don't worry baby girl... there are plenty more cashmere-blend baby knits where that one came from!

Time for some Fill-Ins...

1. Why do we have to work on this fine Friday, the first day of spring?
2. Stiching 'n bitching are now habits.
3. I have not figured out what I want for lunch yet.
4. I had never heard the phrase "you have to spend money to make money" so often before as I do now that I have my Lapdog Creations side business selling on etsy, etc. and it is so incredibly true.
5. I need to just get everything done... the way I always do.
6. How was I to know she'd grow up to be such a self-centered, disrespectful young adult.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to visiting Emma and her parents, tomorrow my plans include hitting the garage sale at the Life Is Good factory and Sunday, I want to hang out at home with Matt & the furbabies, watching the Bristol race and getting some knitting done!

Ethan says "that's all folks... enjoy your Friday!"



SissySees said...

Ethan and Emma... Love 'em!

The Princess said...

Ph my goodness gracious! Your niece and nephew are simply adorably....especially in their sweet handknit hats! :)
Way to go auntie Nichole!!

Dianne said...

Sweet baby pics!

Anonymous said...

those are adorable babies. I really love that photo of Ethan at the end. Way too cute! g

Wrighty said...

The kids are cuties and so are the furbabies! The knitting is beautiful too. We have three teens and three furbabies of our own. The chocolate lab is spitting her slimy tennis ball at me now because she's not getting my full attention. Have a great weekend!

AllyB said...

Awww, such sweet babes.

silfert said...

Gotta love those smoochable faces!

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