Mr Sheepie is a Hard Boiled Softies by Kyjen. Its labeled as "super tough" and actually has a rubber "egg" inside that makes the "oinking" noise as opposed to a squeak. The outer plush piece can be taken off and it is made with a tough inner lining. For those of you interested, I found it online here and also here (I've never ordered from either of these sites before). Woof It Down also had the Bumble Bee and Penguin in stock. So far this toy has shown no signs of doggy damage and if the kids keep an interest in it, I'll surely go get another. Even though it was Zeus' birthday toy, Tut and Sophie have seemed to enjoy it the most.

For those of you in the Multitasking Group on Ravelry, you know that I've decided to do another little hat drive. Last year I collected chemo caps to donate in honor of my Mom & Dad and it was a great success. Now, with my Great Niece being in the Special Care Unit, I've had another ah-ha moment and decided to ask my knitterly friends for help in collecting a big batch of preemie and infant sized hats to donate in honor of Emma. If you are too busy, no worries... however if you're interested, basically we just need to use yarn that is soft (remember these are extra special little babies) and if at all possible, washable. I’d like to collect the hats by April 5th, which should give everyone who would like to join about 3 weeks for knitting, then some time for shipping. Emma says thank you in advance...
I have a little Etsy shop update. I listed a few sets of markers last night, as I'm trying to space out my listings so they stay fresh and closer to the top. Hop on over and check these out... Easter Egg colored bumpy beads and "Aliens Attack."

Now, its time for a little Friday Fill-Ins...
1. When I look to the left, I see lots of pictures on my office windowsill.
2. The sunroom/dining room/workout room (which is really just a cramped unuseable room at the moment - time for spring cleaning) is the room that has the best view in my home.
3. Let it work dammit.
4. These days, nothing is done dirt cheap!
5. Spay & neuturing pets is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.
6. If you have any desire to knit preemie or infant hats feel free to join in my collection of hats for donation to the Special Care Unit where Emma is at.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to another new episode of Ghost Whisperer, tomorrow my plans include going to visit Emma and Sunday, I want to eat corned beef and cabbage!
Might have to find such a toy for my girls, especially Sissy! Love the new stitch markers too!
Enjoy your weekend.
They do look like they are having a good time with his new toy.
OH, Mr. Bettis is drooling over the toy.
Love the stitch markers. They're really cute.
I'm glad it's Friday too! Long week!!
Love the sheepie photos, cute! And let us know if it is chew proof, I've never seen a dog stuffed toy that was actually chew proof.
Cute markers too!! :)
So what did you think of GW? I keep waiting on the other shoe to drop. lol
Oh that little baby girl is so precious!
Thank you so much for doing the legwork on the toy. Lucy might love it, we've talked she likes a certain noise. Picky girl. I might order one anyway because the others would love it.
I'll dig around and see what I have that's soft. Yummy - corned beef and cabbage. I made it for the first time as an adult last year - didn't even think of it this year - maybe I will. g
Can I send a hat? I'm sure I can make time to knit a hat...
Send me a PM on Ravelry, I'll see how many hats I can come up with...
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