Saturday, March 07, 2009

Happy Birthday Zeus!

Can you believe my big guy is 8 years old today?!?!


Happy Birthday Zeus! You can find last year's special day post here or just enjoy this year's photo recap...

My big baby...

Always happy to go for a R-I-D-E!

The king of lazy lounging...

Ah, the simple things in life, stopping to smell the roses...
Zeus_Roses_1008 Zeus_Roses_1008_smell

Enjoying both fine summer and winter days...
Zeus_92108 Zeus_snow32808

One birthday martini too many?

He's handsome and he knows it!

Working hard for his money, reviewing products for Mommy's blog...
LapdogBaskets_ZeusB PacoCollars_ZeusB

There will be birfday cake and toys later tonight, so for now we leave you with last year's cake!



Anonymous said...

Awww...Happy Birthday Zeus, you big luvmuffin!!

Sue said...

Happy number 8 to the big guy.

Anita said...

Happy Birthday to Zeus! :)

dogquilter said...

Happy Birthday Zeus!! Enjoy your cake and presents :)
Wilbur, Charlotte & Kim

Turtle said...

awww, hapy birthday zeus!

SissySees said...

Happy birthday, you big beautiful boy! Did Mama give you my birthday kiss?!

Bubblesknits said...

I love that top picture. :-) Happy Birthday to Zeus!

Dianne said...

Happy Birthday to Zeus, the gentle giant!

gypsyknits said...

Mr. Bettis & Co wish Zeus a very Happy Birthday!
Mr. B also says to eat an extra piece of cake for him.....yum:)

Kenyetta said...

Happy Belated Birthday Zeus!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated B-Day Zeus! ::pats::

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