Friday, September 25, 2009

Filling In...

TGIF!!! The leaves are changing and the air is getting cooler... ahh, fall in New England!


Its Friday Fill-In time!

1. One week ago I was getting ready for NHMS race weekend.

2. I was always crafting something when I was young.

3. Mama told me to always stand up for yourself and speak your mind.

4. We've been through alot, you and me.

5. Take your time and knit that gauge swatch (yeah, so maybe I don't... but I can tell you that you should, right??).

6. This funk will pass!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the season premiere of Ghost Whisperer, tomorrow my plans include playing with my new digital SLR camera and Sunday, I want to see some kart racing, although it really sounds like a rain-out!

I hope to get another book review up later today... stay tuned!


Dawn said...

I always tried to make stuff when I was younger as well; I always wanted to be creative.

It sounds like you are going to have a fun and busy weekend. Enjoy it, and have a wonderful Friday!

Marie said...

I was always crafting things as a kid also and now I craft with my kids -- it's something that we can enjoy doing together :-)

SissySees said...

Happy weekend! And your note arrived, safe and sound... ;)

Anita said...

Take more photos of the leaves changing so I can see it! Most of what we have here are stuuuupid pine trees. :(

Bubblesknits said...

So what did you think of the season premiere? I think I liked it.

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