Rescue Ink Unleashed is a new weekly series that documents this unlikely group of animal activists on their crusade to save helpless, abandoned and abused animals. Featured on “Ellen” and in The New York Times, this eclectic band of brothers — composed of club bouncers, security guards and even a retired NYPD detective — is on call 24/7 to take on cases no one else will.
They’re not cops, animal experts or even animal control. They’re just big guys with even bigger hearts and a desire to save animals from deplorable living conditions and abusive or simply misguided owners. Each one-hour episode of Rescue Ink Unleashed takes viewers on “ride-alongs” as members follow up on leads in the New York metro area. Taking an average of 100 calls a week at their headquarters on Long Island, they jump into their cars — or on their “hogs” — and confront alleged animal abusers, rescue fighting dogs, investigate stolen animals and (firmly) encourage owners to give up their pets if it is in the best interest of the animals.
I wasn't aware of this show, or the group itself, it sounds like they do some wonderful work!
Too bad we don't get that channel in the woods. (Yeah, we tried Dish Network, but they pulled the plug on us because we wouldn't cut down trees to improve the signal.)
They sound like a wonderful group. We don't get that channel either, but I'll be watching for your reviews.
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