I love this shot of my boys, so it's not so much of a mischief outtake. Tut sported his flames (which goes along with his namesake, as he was named after the Teutuls of American Chopper/Orange County Choppers) and Zeus sported his red, white and blue!

I tried for a 4-doggy shot, but this was the best we got. Anyone seen the Princess?

There she is, fixated on something (probably a critter in the yard) behind her sister Lola, who sported Mommy's favorite "Bone Jovi" bandana.

Teutul and his "I'm Sexy and I Know It" pose... the second shot was a hit on Instagram over the weekend.

My hooey hounds! Sophie, aka Miss Princess, didn't make too many of the photos. She sported a custom made doggy bandana that is somewhat too small for her now... maybe she was embarrassed and just wanted to wear the bad-arse flames or the red, white and blue?

Thank you to Sue for organizing Bandana Day! Woof, Woof!
Oh Bandana day, we didnt know and Bob has a pretty cool bandanna in o ur post for today
Urban Hounds
Those are some pretty cool bandannas!
I saw you guys over at Sue's! You sure were colorful!
Such sweet faces!!!
Cute bandanas. I still have a few from the 80's.
I didn't know it was bandana day? However, Apache did get a chance to wear a bandana for a moment at the guide dog open house.
Happy Monday!
Even you outtakes are great. Way to go.
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