Thursday, December 27, 2012

Cross the Paws Again, Please?

As expected, we hadn't heard anymore from our vet over the weekend or holiday - she wasn't due back in the office until today.  We had planned to see her this afternoon for Lola's suture removal, however with the Nor'easter coming, I opted to take Lola in yesterday for that.  One of her favorite techs took her back for the removal and she saw a different vet in the practice who said her incisions were all healing just fine.  After we ran a couple of errands, it was back home to nap... after all, getting so much attention at the V-E-T's office your stitches removed is hard work!

Getting your stitches out is hard work! #dogstagram #dobermanmix #rescue #adoptdontshop #love #bigdog

Our amazing vet called this morning after she spoke with both the pathologist and skin specialist at the lab... All we know for sure right now is Lola's case is very rare.  They have once again said they're not seeing any cancerous cells, however they still can't 100% rule it the sterile skin dermatitis.  There is a slight chance that it could be bacterial or infectious and because of that, we need to send more samples to the lab for another test.  This means my baby girl has to be put under again and they will take a couple of punch biopsies.  I'm having a little nervous freak out (again) about putting her under (again)... so please keep those good vibes coming our way tomorrow.

Lola's in the Christmas spirit!

As you might guess, things have been quite crazy around here lately with Lola, the holidays, the weather, and other issues that seem to pop up (i.e. Matt got rear ended before Christmas on icy roads... everyone is okay, but now we have to deal with insurance companies and getting his car repaired).  "When it rains, it pours," right?  I hope to return to our regularly scheduled blogging and reviewing soon!  The review items are really starting to pile up around here!

Side Note: For those of you who thought that fuzzy bird-like ornament I posted yesterday was cute, it really is!  I snapped that pic at a restaurant and was told they were from Pier 1.  There was also an owl, snowman and a couple others as part of a "natural" ornament collection.  Lola & I stopped at Pier 1 yesterday (on our way to the vet) in hopes of scoring a couple for our tree, but sadly, they were sold out.  I also checked the website, no luck there either.  If any of you have a Pier 1 near you and find any, we would gladly pay for them and shipping!

I'll leave you with a couple shots of Lola & Zeus from this morning and this little Nor'easter that hit us...

Lola wanted everyone to know we've got #snow  #driveway #dobermanmix #dogstagram #happydog #newengland

Lola & Zeus checking out the fresh snow (still falling)


SissySees said...

Good luck to you and Lola...

Sue said...

Oh bummer! Lola and Morgan can start a new fashion trend.Rob made a special fleece jacket for her because the tee shirt didn`t cover all the shaved areas.

2012 was a crappy year and it doesn`t want to give up.I`m ready for some good days.

GOOSE said...

I will for sure keep my paws crossed for her and you as well.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, ya it does pour sometimes and never at the right time. We will cross paws for Nola.

Pippen said...

I was just at Pier 1 today but didn't see that bird but I'm in Canada so they may have different ones up here. I'll be out and about again tomorrow so if I'm back that way again will check to see if I can see it.

We have our paws crossed for Lola!

Sam and Pippen

Unknown said...

Sending healing paw to Lola. Our paws are crossed. Stay warm and safe. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

jen said...

When it rains it pours is certainly correct! Hoping that everything goes smooth for Lola and that you and Matt can have some time to relax!

Bubblesknits said...

I'm behind on my blog reading, so I'm hoping that everything went okay. Keeping y'all in my thoughts.

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