Sunday, June 29, 2014

Black & White Sunday: Boom-Boom-Boom

Happy Sunday-Fun-Day!  Is it really the end of June?  Where oh where has the first half of 2014 gone?!  

We're sure everyone is excited about the long weekend coming up and being able to spread out all the 4th of July festivities over multiple days.  However, for those of us living in a state where fireworks are legal, it means we'll be dealing with those loud booms for multiple days.  The Lapdogs certainly don't love them, and despite our "Live Free or Die" state, I really don't think consumers need to have the size and power of fireworks in their backyards as we allow (never mind the lack of knowledge on how to use them and the great number of those who are intoxicated while trying to use them).  We were driving home on the 4th last year and passed a house that was shooting off the big ones right at the edge of the road.  One misfired and shot into the road, missing my door by about 2 feet.  I'm not a party pooper by any means, but seriously?  I hate to think of what would have happened if it hit us.

Oh, and we've already got the obnoxious neighbor who's been shooting fireworks off randomly for the past week.  This is Lola's "Seriously?!?!" face.  Yes, she gets it from me. 


Please keep your dogs safe and as calm as possible this week... and feel free to use our "Seriously?!?!" face as much as needed!


Golden Daily Scoop said...

We love your serious face! Miley and Maggie aren't bothered by the fireworks but this will be Bruin's first year and we have a feeling we will be downstairs with him. Enjoy your Sunday!!

Anonymous said...

Love your serious face, Lola. Thanks for sharing! Stay safe this week, and happy 4th of July! :)

Unknown said...

The fireworks have started here too. Our one neighbor lights BIG ones off in the street in front of his house. We hold our breath hoping he doesn't catch a neighbor's house on fire. Idiots. I will use the "seriously" face a LOT this week.

Sue said...

They've started here, too. What a way to ruin the holiday for dog people. We'd like to borrow Lola's face for our blog today.

M. K. Clinton said...

Bentley HATES fireworks. We have two stands not far from our house and they shoot them every night until the 4th of July. On the big day, it sounds like guns constantly firing. We are trying out the new ThunderShirt this year and hoping it works as well as it does in thunderstorms!

Unknown said...

Love the serious face. Stay safe this weekend.

OhMyShihTzu said...

aww... no fun :( approved fireworks are approved, but luckily nothing going off early... the littles hate it and we will be bunking in on the 4th or going for a ride.

Ruby said...

Yups, started here too! Luckily, there are only a few boobheads that set them off here, butts they are pretty close. Fireworks are illegal here, butts that doesn't stop these doodieheads from doin' it!! Plus, with this drought, it's like a tinderbox here and we're scared someone's house is gonna go up in flames!
Anyhu, I share your 'seriously' face!! Boobieheads.
Ruby ♥

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