Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Cold Wordless Wednesday...


Don't forget to bundle up (read: NOW would be a good time to pile on all that handknit stuff you have) and try to stay warm! Its cold outside!

LolaTut_window_11109b SnowBerries_11209b

We're looking for spring... have you seen it?



SissySees said...

Pretty photos! (Why won't you share your snow? I just want about 5-6"...)

Beth F said...

I love the berries and snow. Lovely.

silfert said...

"Mama! It's THAT stuff again!"

Sue said...

Do your guys play in the snow at all? I think you need to take them on vacation to a nice warm climate.

Anonymous said...

Awww super cute pics.

Sonya said...

The wink photo is the best!

Anonymous said...

Love the berries!

I haven't seen spring, our recent "arctic air" hasn't done much for the flower beds.

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