Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Wink For You!

Happy Doggy Thursday! Its been a very busy day for the Crazy Dog Lady, so that means a late post... mostly all about pictures today!

Zeus [as always, click their linked names for more cuteness] really enjoys romping (and sometimes lounging) in the snow when its not in the artic temps (like today)...

Zeus_10909b Zeus_10909c

The big guy heard that Chan, who is always admiring his handsomeness, recently mentioned that his sister Sophie might've stolen his cute-factor-thunder last week with her hoody. Not to be outdone, he decided to send Chan a little sweetness to butter her up...


Sophie's response? "What the hey??!! I'd probably be scared of the nice lady Chan if I meet her in person... because I'm scared of all strangers, sometimes even my own shadow... but please allow me my moment in the spotlight big bro..." hhmmppff.

Sophie 11009b Sophie 11009

Lola, the great lick-a-soris herself, was a little pre-occupied...

Lola_lickDoor_10909b Lola_lickDoor_10909

She just has to lick... everything! I keep trying to tell her that her tongue will stick to the door eventually, but you know she won't listen... "What's the problem Mom?"

Lola 11109

Tut's just been busy being Tut lately... Look at my little grey man! I think he's the only dog with perpetual puppy face and a full beard of grey!

Tut_10909 Tut 11109

Enjoy the rest of your little-Friday and try to stay warm...


Sue said...

Now how did you get that picture of the wink? That is too much!!

Lola should meet Morgan. She 'washes' all my windows for me even if I've just done them. Right now you can't even see out the living room windows, she has them so gooped up.

Marjie said...

My boy won't romp in the snow in these temps, either. He's spending a lot of time with his human brothers, curled up with good books. Thor sleeps on his book. I love your crowd.

SissySees said...

OMG!!!!!!!! That's the cutest EVER. EVER!!!

Love the Lola look too. Sweet girl. How old is Tut? (And Sophie's had her moment, never to be forgotten...)

Hopefully, some sweets for my sweets - oh, and you too - will arrive soon.

Dawn said...

That's the cutest wink pic ever! What great pics!

dogquilter said...

Love the winking!! What cute babies they all are

The Princess said...

What sweet pictures! Don't you just love when you can get the shutter to click at just the right moment!

Love the wink, and the lick-a-sorous :) Very adorable!

Hope all is going well and happy Dogs on Thursday!

Turtle said...

i think that wink really is saying" that's right mom....we got a deal, a little extra sumthin sumthin in my dish and i never saw that bag of yarn enter will never know!

Dot O said...

Love the pics, especially the wink!!

Ice Pony Girl said...


Anonymous said...

Awww Zeus! You had to share for just a minute, that's how it is to have siblings, now you've got the light ;)
I love when you catch a wink, I got one of Daizzy too, she had both eyes closed. A vet friend of mine was saying it is quite hard for them to do either.

Bubblesknits said...

I love that wink! :)

Natalie Rush said...

Those are the cutest pictures!! He does have a cute baby face with grey!!!

Dianne said...

We're all winking right back at your big boy!

Anita said...

Great photos! Love the wink!! :)

OMG, that will be horrible if Lola's tongue gets stuck to the cold window!! LOL

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