Monday, January 05, 2009

Manic Monday...

... the first of 2009! And since I'm still being lazy playing catch up and haven't downloaded any photos from Christmas or taken any of WIPs lately, I thought I'd share something that I got in an email forward this week...


I'll get to adding the "ice storm photos, part 3" aka "doggies longing for electricity" this Thursday for Dogs on Thursday...

To the wonderful angel(s?) out there who donated to the ASPCA through my fundraiser banner (at the top of this blog) this weekend and pushed me to reaching my goal... Thank You!!! I couldn't believe it when I just looked to see what the total was at and noticed it was showing 100% -- $1,000!!! The last I checked it was at $875. I don't know who you are, but thank you...... and thank you to everyone who's contributed to it during 2007 & 2008. It was a personal goal of mine to do this for ASPCA and see it reach 100%!


Anonymous said...

You're welcome.

SissySees said...

Congrats! That was the first thing I noticed too.

LOVE the photo...

Turtle said...

hey congrats!!

Dianne said...


Bubblesknits said...

Glad you reached your goal! :-)

I love that pic!

Bubblesknits said...

Did it eat my last comment? Hrm. Stoopid blogger.

As I said before, glad you reached your goal. :-)

I love that pic of the sweater dog!

Anonymous said...

So glad you made the goal. Somebody showed me that (my coworker) it's too funny! g

Natalie Rush said...

Congrats on reaching your goal!! and what a cute image!! :)

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