Racing was rained out last night, but we've had a busy week as far as coverage goes. Matt had two post-race interviews on Sunday after the race at NHMS and the results are in! He made the front page of the Sports section of the Union Leader on Monday. You might note that they mis-captioned the photo, as that is Matt posing with his car (not a motorcycle racer) and the "his girlfriend crew chief" tag I got. The second interview was for a driver video profile on the NHMS website, which you can check out here. It was his first on camera interview and he was caught a little off guard, but all in all I think it is a great feature! And yes, he really did blew my cover a little bit with that one... oops.
I'll leave you with some more racing photos today. These shots are from our first two trips to Unity Raceway in Maine.
May 28th race...

These three shots of us are courtesy of Chris Roy.
We were back at Unity on June 4th and it was our first truly sunny race day of the season, albeit a tad bit dusty in the pit area...

So, are you bored with racing photos yet? I hope not... but I do promise some knitting as soon as I find the mojo time! We have quite a few reviews coming up too - both dog and knitting related. This is the first weekend we haven't had a race or something to attend in a long time and what do we do? Sign up to take in not one, but two foster pups! Details (and of course photos) to come... Enjoy your weekend!
It's been raining here too for days!
Great racing pictures! I will never tire of these:)
I watched the interview. Nice little plug for Lapdog Creations!
Hope it dries up soon.
Great photos and kudos to you and Matt! Race on...
We've had some hellacious thunderstorms here for the past 3 days. Supposed to clear up tomorrow; fingers and paws crossed!
Cool pics.
Great photos! I'm not a race fan but I almost want to watch a race now.
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