Thursday, June 02, 2011


Happy Dogs on Thursday!  Since it's also thankful Thursday, let me just say that I am thankful for the best 4-legged kids ever!  Look at the pretty flowers they got me for Mama's Day...

MomsDayFlowersFromDogs_Lola_5811c MomsDayFlowersFromDogs_5811

Yes, I'm a little late posting these pictures and yes, that's Lola's nose in the corner of the first picture.... and yes, I am so thankful to have all four of my furbabies in my life. 

My boys...

Zeus_041011 Tut_041011

My girls...

Lola_041011 Sophie_041011

I am also thankful that the tornadoes that ripped thru New England yesterday did not reach us. They were not all that far away and left behind chaos, destruction and death.  New England is accustomed to nor'easters and several feet of snow, but not tornadoes.  Does anyone know who ticked off Miss Mother Nature?  She sure has been quite the unhappy little camper in 2011... What are you thankful for today?


Pippen said...

We are thankful that the Canucks won last night!

Sam and Pippen

PeeS. and REALLY thankful the bad storms missed you!

Dawn said...

Glad you were not affected by the storms!

Beautiful flowers!

SissySees said...

Pretty flowers! I'm going to have to point out to the Knight that you got flowers!

Sue said...

What pretty flowers. My dogs always like to sniff at my flowers, too.

I sure wish Mother Nature would get her good mood back. These temper tantrums are getting to be a bit much. Glad the storm missed you.

WonderWhyGal said...

I'm thankful for my two miniature schnauzers and all the joy and love they bring me. Dogs really are like children and I look forward to going home and having them greet me at the door whereas my children will be busy watching television. I'm thankful for my family (even the ones who are watching TV) and my farm full of Alpacas.

I love the flowers your dogs gave you.

Marjie said...

Such pretty flowers! I'm glad the storms avoided you.

And, see? I told you that blogger was being a-holes, and now it works!

jen said...

What beautiful flowers!

I am thankful Leroy finally went in the kiddie pool!

Glad you all are safe!

Anita said...

I'm finally getting caught up again! I've missed reading about you & the pups. :) And seeing those cute faces... the puppies! LOL ;)

Dianne said...

What thoughtful little babes you have!!!

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