Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Random Tuesday

First of all, Vivian (who has the cutest little doggies!) tagged me with one of those 7 random things about yourself memes, so here it goes...

1. I'm not a big fan of the telephone. Maybe its because I used to spend hours upon hours on it as a teenager, but these days I much prefer email.
2. I never answer my home or cell phone without checking the caller ID first.
3. I'm a huge multi-tasker. Maybe that's why email is so much better... I can give it my divided attention while still getting other things done.
4. I'm a fussy eater, though I've learned to like a much wider variety of things in the past 10 years. Spaghetti squash is wonderful - have you tried it? What about elk meat - was some of the best read meat I've ever had!
5. I don't like guacamole. I've never really tried it. I just know I don't like it by the looks of it.
6. My parents have a "yours, mine and ours" situation. I have a half sister (Dad) and a half brother (Mom).
7. If I won the lottery, I'd first pay off my huge yarn credit card debt and then I'd look for a bigger house with more land so that we can take in many more dogs and give them a loving family!

Now I'm supposed to tag 7 people, but I'll leave it open to anyone reading... if you haven't already been tagged and want to participate, TAG - you're it!

Thanks to my Mom for digging up Zeus' devil dog pictures from Halloween 2002! He's still a growing pup in these pics, just 1 1/2 years old (for those keeping track, Zeus will turn 7 on March 7th!). I hadn't found them in time for the Dogs on Thursday Halloween parade last week, but here they are now... Happy Spooky Day!


Someone call for a little devil?
Basking in the fall sun...


I'm too sexy for this costume...


Photo shoot over... can I eat it now?



AllyB said...

Hey Nichole! Those devil dog pics are great! Have a spooky Halloween!

Beth said...

We are so similar! The telephone ringer is turned off and I hate quacamole too. And the first lottery winnings would be a little house (I'm in an apt now and any house would be a step up).

SissySees said...

Oh, see... Now Mugsy's cheesy devil shirt tomorrow will be so lame, but he's going to wear it anyway!

Reader Of The Pack said...

Zeus is so adorable!

wildflower38 said...

I screen my calls also. I cannot wait to get my own place so I too can shamelessly love a dog of my own.

Criquette said...

Zeus is rockin' that costume! He knows how handsome he is, the little devil.

Sonya said...

Nichole, guacamole is good! try it you might like.

Vivian said...

Thanks for indulging me! I used to dress Bucky in a devil costume, but he wiggles so much it never stayed on him. Zeus is so cute!!

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