Because you have such a cool blog, I’d like to invite you to join the MOUNTAIN DEW® Insiders, a team of influencers (like you!) who will have access to super cool, exclusive content you can share with your readers and followers.Huh, the Dew folks thought I had a cool blog! They like me and I like Dew, plus they were offering a special "Pit Kit" to the first 200 people who signed up. How could I not join? I rsvp'ed with a yes and today I received my fun Dew Crew Pit Kit...

My Pit Kit contains some nifty Dale Jr #88 swag - a trucker cap, drawstring bag, can coozie and sticker - and a bottle of the limited edition summer Dark Berry Dew! Yum-0! I'm excited to see what is in store for me as a Dew Crew member in the future. What's that? You want in too? Click the logo below to learn more and Do the Dew!
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Mountain Dew.
Have a great day and enjoy your kit.
Best wishes Molly
Nifty. I like diet Dew...
You know I never drink Mountain dew. I think I've tried it at some point, but I guess I didn't like it much. I'll have to try it again.
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